"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." -Matthew 7:15
Thursday, February 28, 2013
"Questions to Ask Your Pastor About Paul of Tarsus" by Jeff Ward
source: http://www.wayofthefather.com/Paul.htm
Pastor...relating to Revelation 2:1-2
Pastor...If Paul wasn’t guilty as Rev 2:2 alleges, then why does he address those at Ephesus as an "apostle” in Ephesians 1:1?
Pastor...How can Paul be a 13th apostle when Revelation 21:14 says there are only twelve?
Pastor...How can Paul be a 13th apostle when Yeshua tells us in Matthew 19:28 there are only twelve?
Pastor...If Paul’s apostleship was not in question, then why does he defend it in 1st Corinthians 9:1-3?
Pastor...Why does he speak in v.3 of those who “try” him unless he was “tried” as Rev 2:2 alleges?
Pastor...If Paul was not one whom the Ephesians found to be a liar in Rev 2:2, then why does Paul say in 2nd Timothy 1:15 that “all they which are in Asia have turned away from me.”?
Pastor...If Paul was not called a liar about his apostleship, then why does he specifically say in 1st Timothy 2:7 he is not lying about his apostleship?
Pastor...If Paul’s words are “holy scriptures”, then why does 2nd Timothy 3:15 say Timothy had been reading them since he was a child?
Were Paul’s letters even written when Timothy was a child?
Pastor...if “none are righteous” as Paul universally declares in Romans 3:9-20, then why are the parents of John the Baptist declared “righteous before God” in Luke 1:6?
Pastor...why does Paul say, “as it is written” in Romans 3:10 and then string together single sentences from no less than six places in the Bible, stringing them together as if they are one statement? Does he truly represent it “as it is written?” Are his conclusions the same as the original?
Pastor... why does Paul quote the “old testament” at all if it is not authoritative?
Part of Paul’s Romans 3:10 quote comes from Psalms 14. If there are “none righteous” including believers as Paul alleges, then why does Psalm 14:5 say, “for YHWH is in the generation of the righteous”? Why would YHWH speak of those who Paul says never existed?
Pastor... if Paul acknowledges being Herodian in Romans 16:11 and Jesus tells me in Mark 8:15 to beware the leaven of Herod, then shouldn’t I obey Jesus and beware the leaven (doctrine) of Paul?
Pastor... if Paul even late in his ministry claims to be a Pharisee in Acts 23:6 and Yeshua tells me in Luke 12:1 to beware the leaven of the Pharisees, then shouldn’t I obey Yeshua and beware Paul?
Pastor...Paul claimed to have encountered Yeshua in the desert on the road to Damascus. Yeshua told me in Matthew 14:15 when someone claims to see him in the desert don’t believe him. Should I take the advice of Yeshua?
Pastor...Paul in Galatians 1 emphasizes his knowledge comes directly from Yeshua and not from man. Yeshua says in Matthew 14:5 if someone claims to see him in the secret chambers, I should not believe him. Who was telling me the truth?
Pastor...if Paul’s claim in Galatians 2:16 is true, that we are saved by faith only, then why does James refute this in James 2:14-26 calling the author of this doctrine “o vain man” in v.20?
Pastor... if eating meat sacrificed to idols is okay as long as your “weaker brother” is not around as described in 1st Corinthians 8, then why is this practice later described as being hated by Yeshua as the “doctrine of Balaam” in Revelation 2:14?
Why does Rev 2:20 condemn it when Paul says it’s okay if nobody knows about it?
Pastor...Why did Paul tell the Corinthians idol meat was okay when the council at Jerusalem had specifically listed this as a forbidden practice in Acts 15:29?
Pastor...why did Paul ignore the four commands of the Jerusalem council in Acts 15 telling the Galatians in 2:10 they were only commanded to “remember the poor”?
Pastor...if Paul appeared in Jerusalem in Acts 9:26 after his conversion, then why does he tell the Galatians in 1:18 that he waited three years to go? Why does he assure us in v.20 he is not lying?
Pastor... if the “other gospel” Paul speaks of in Galatians 1:6 was not the very one taught by Peter, James and John, then why does Paul attack the character of these three men in Galatians 2?
Pastor...why did Paul accuse Peter “before them all” when Yeshua said in Matthew 18:15-17 to first confront a brother privately, then with two witnesses before going public?
Pastor...why did Paul criticize Peter for being Jewish around the Jews and Gentile around the Gentiles in Galatians 2:14 when this is precisely what Paul says he himself practices in 1st Corinthians 9:20-22?
Pastor... if the gospel of the circumcision was committed to Paul and the gospel of the Jews to Peter as Paul claims in Galatians 2:7, then why does Peter claim just the opposite in Acts 15:7?
Pastor...why does Paul, now 17 years into his ministry fear in Galatians 2:3 that he “had run in vain”?
Pastor...if obeying the law is bondage as Paul claims in Galatians 4:9, then why did Yeshua tell the man in Mark 10:17 that he must “obey the commandments” to “have eternal life”. Was Yeshua trying to bring that man into bondage?
Pastor...if the covenant at Sinai was given to the descendants of Rebecca and Isaac, then why does Paul try to relate it instead to Hagar in Galatians 4:25?
Pastor...why did Paul circumcise Timothy in Acts 16:1-3 and then tell him
1) It causes Christ to profit him nothing,
2) He is now a debtor to the whole law and
3) He is fallen from grace in Galatians 5:2-4?
Why would Paul do such a terrible thing to Timothy? Did Paul hate Timothy?
Pastor...if YHWH brought the children of Israel to Sinai to put them in bondage to the law as Paul claims in Galatians, then why did he tell them at that time he was bringing them “out of bondage” in Exodus 2:2? Was this some cruel trick YHWH was playing on them?
Pastor...if the law puts is in bondage, why does YHWH say he “redeemed you out of the house of bondage” in Deuteronomy 13:5?
Pastor...if Yeshua abolished the law as Paul claims in Ephesians 2:15, then why does Yeshua say in Matthew 5:17 that he did not come to destroy the law? Why does Yeshua say it will not pass until AFTER heaven and earth have (v.17) passed away? Has that already happened? What does verse 18 say Paul’s place in the kingdom of heaven be as a result?
Pastor...Paul claims in Ephesians 3:3 to have knowledge of mysteries of YHWH revealed only through him. Paul bears witness of himself even though Yeshua says he himself could not in John 5:31. Is Paul superior to Yeshua?
Pastor...Paul speaks in Ephesians 6:19 of making known a “mystery of the gospel.” Why wasn’t this mystery shared with the 12 apostles Yeshua spent 3 ½ years training?
Pastor...if Paul could be given all knowledge with a single blinding flash, then why did Yeshua spend his entire ministry training apostles? Why didn’t he just zap them?
Pastor...Paul says in Philippians 2:7 that Yeshua came in the “likeness of men”. Paul claims in Romans 8:3 that Yeshua came in the “likeness of sinful flesh.” 1st John says anyone who says that Christ came in something other than flesh is of the spirit of antichrist. This is known in theology as the doctrine of docetism. Why is Paul excused for teaching this doctrine?
Pastor...If the law is a curse as Paul alleges, then why should we “establish the law” in Romans 3:31?
Pastor...If the “mysteries of ” YHWH were revealed through a single man Paul as he claims in Colossians 1:23-26 and elsewhere, then what grounds do we have for rejecting Joseph Smith, Mohammed, the Pope and many others who claim exactly the same thing?
Pastor...If the law was “against us” as Paul claims in Colossians 2:14, then why do Deuteronomy 17:19, Proverbs 6:23 and Proverbs 13:14 say it’s the way to life?
Pastor...Why does Paul say we can do what we want with the Sabbath days in Colossians 2:16 when the Ten Commandments say, “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.”?
Pastor...Who has authorized Paul to give new commandments as he does in 1st Thessalonians 4:2?
Pastor...Who is the authority Paul is demanding people to obey in 2nd Thessalonians 3:14?
Pastor...Paul commands in 3:6-7 that we obey the traditions he commands. Did Yeshua ever tell us we should obey Paul?
Pastor...Exactly what did Paul do to Hymeneus and Alexander in 1st Timothy 1:20 to deliver them to Satan? Did he kill them? Is it normal for a minister of YHWH to deliver people to Satan?
Pastor...Is Paul’s practice of rebuking before all in 1st Timothy 5:20 consistent with Yeshua admonitions in Matthew 18:15-17?
Pastor...Why was Paul seeking a prophet in 1st Corinthians 14:37 to endorse his commands? Is there a prophet on record ever having done so?
Pastor...If the men that were on the Damascus road heard the voice that spoke to Paul in Acts 9:7, then why does Paul change his story in Acts 22:9 saying they didn’t hear it? Is it possible these men refuted his earlier story?
Pastor...Why does Paul claim in Acts 9:10-16 that his mission to the Gentiles was delivered through Ananias but then refute it later saying it was told to him directly by Jesus without going to Damascus later in Acts 26:16-18? Could it be that Ananias refused to support his earlier story and he had to change it?
Pastor...Why does Paul say he is ready to die at Jerusalem in Acts 21:13 and then instead “appeal to Caesar” in Acts 25:11?
Pastor...According to Acts 21:20-21, Paul stood accused by believers in Yeshua. That means they believed in his resurrection. Paul was accused by them of teaching believers to forsake the Law of Moses. Why did Paul lie in Acts 23:6 he was being accused instead of believing in the resurrection? Did Yeshua ever lie to save his hide?
Pastor...Why does Paul criticize those who “go to law” before unbelievers instead of with one another in 1st Corinthians 6:1-8, but then “appeal to Caesar” when he is accused by fellow believers (Acts 21:20) in Yeshua?
Pastor...Why did Yeshua tell the original Apostles to “go unto all nations” in Matthew 28:19 and then take this away from them in Galatians 2 leaving twelve guys to minister to the Jews and only one guy in charge of the Gentiles?
Pastor...Why did Yeshua keep his Apostles in the dark about Paul in Matthew 28? Why didn’t he tell them a new guy would be showing up making some changes in the plan?
Pastor...If Gamaliel encouraged everyone to leave the believers in Yeshua alone in Acts 5:34, and if Paul was his student as Paul claims in Acts 22:3, then why was Paul trying to do exactly the opposite as his teacher was teaching?
Pastor...Why would Paul grumble about apostles “chosen of men” in Galatians 1:1 if he did not covet the apostleship given to Mathias in Acts 1:23-26?
Pastor...If the writings of Paul are confusing as 2nd Peter 3:15-16 affirms, then why did the Holy Spirit write confusing things through Paul and not through others?
Pastor...Why does Paul quote the Greek philosopher Philo in Titus 1:12? Does the Holy Spirit quote philosophers as resources?
Did the Cretan prophet in Titus 1:12 tell the truth or a lie? Please explain.
After calling himself an apostle 16 times in Rom 1:1, 11:13, 1st Cor 1:1, 9:1, 9:2, 15:9, 2nd Cor 1:1, 12:12, Gal 1:1, Eph 1:1, Col 1:1, 1Tim 1:1, 1Tim 2:7, 2Tim 1:1, 1:11 and Titus 1:1, why does Paul drop all claims of apostleship when on the hotseat in Jerusalem claiming in Acts 26:16 only to be a “minister and a witness”?
The only one of Paul’s churches that is considered a “candlestick” in Revelation 1:11 is the one that is complimented for rejecting him. Coincidence? Where are the Corinthians? The church at Rome?
Galatians? Colossians? Considering Revelation 2:5, could it be they lost their candlestick?
Pastor...Why does Paul say in Galatians 4:8-9 that the law was ordained by angels when Exodus 20 clearly says it is given by YHWH?
Pastor...If Yeshua says in Matthew 22:38 the law and the prophets hang on two great commandments, why does Paul OMIT the most important one saying in Galatians 5:14 the law is fulfilled in the second one only?
(Note, James 2:8 calls “love thy neighbor” the “royal law” without saying it’s the ONLY one.)
Pastor...Deuteronomy 13:1-3 says YHWH will test us with false prophets to see if we love him with all our heart. Could this be true?
Sha'uwl seemingly contradicted Yeshua, and the 12 Apostles, a total of 326 times. Why is that pastor?
Pride holds alot of people from truth, especially when it is built upon the foundations of Men!
2 Corinthians 13, Paul admits the Corinthians are asking for proof that "Christ speaks in him".
This is of course after Paul goes on a rant about how he is jealous the Corinthians have forsaken him for the "Super Apostles".
Paul's famous chapter about love and sounding brass..........was plagiarized from the Essene/Ebionite Gospel of Peace.
And of course these same people are recorded as having investigated Paul and found him to be a liar and false Apostle who was not even a Jew!
Philemon, Paul sends a escaped slave back to his master. The Torah forbids this! Paul promises freedom from bondage, but he sends slaves back to their masters!
Paul tells slaves to remain slaves, or tells people to remain single because "Jesus is about to come back" Paul's advice on marriage is also in direct contention with the Creator in Genesis.
(Think of the 2 above issues and how mankind of every color and race has been enslaved the last 2 thousand years and Paul's writings have been a excuse for the atrocities committed)
"Work out your Salvation with fear and trembling", spoken hundreds of years before Paul by Buddha.
The "Prophet" Paul quoted regarding the Cretens was from the Hymn of Zeus. That "prophet" was calling all Cretans scum because they rejected the pagan god Zeus!
Paul admits he has a "Messenger of Satan" with him at all times. Paul tells us this Messenger of Satan tortures him to keep Paul from being Arrogant..............This is a house divided against itself. If Paul truly was a servant of the Creator, then why would Satan want to keep Paul from being arrogant? Didn't Y'shua mention this?
In Acts, Paul has a demon possessed woman follow him around the city proclaiming him a prophet of God/man of God. Once again, this is a house divided against itself.
Jude the brother of Y'shua writes about someone during his time period who is turning grace into a license to break the Torah, in first century Judea who else would he be talking about besides Paul? Who else was going on railings about angels?
Why do both letters of the Brothers of Y'shua utterly condemn Pauline Christianity and Paul himself?
Sha'ul's name means "asked for", just like King "Sha'ul" was the one from the tribe of Benjamin that was given to the people to rule over them when they wanted a king
(like the other people and against YHWH's better judgment)! CHRISTIANS have "Sha'ul" over them because they "asked for" someone else to follow instead of Y'shua, who demonstrated and taught the Torah perfectly. Of course Jewish believers would have been wary of "Sha'ul" knowing full well the history of "king Sha'ul".
So, Sha'ul's new name "Paulos" or Paul, means "little one" or "LEAST", like the name given to someone who does NOT teach the Torah and in fact teaches against it! (Matthew 5:19).
In ignorance of the evidence, Christian theologians unanimously side with Paul over Peter with regard to the Great Galatians Debate. In so doing, they have established their religion in opposition to Yahweh, Yahshua, the Disciples, and the Word of El. In their view, Paul was right to associate the Torah with bondage, Yahweh’s Festival Feasts with Judaism, circumcision with Jews, and the Mosaic Law with legalism. For Christians, as a result of Paul’s depiction of "two covenants" in the fourth chapter of Galatians, it is appropriate to divide the "Bible" into two Testaments: one "Old" the other "New," one failed and counterproductive with the other providing the promise of salvation.
For Christians, solely as a result of Paul’s epistles, hell awaits everyone who observes the Torah, while heaven embraces all those who place their faith in Paul’s Gospel of Grace.
With the stakes this high, with the credibility of the religion of Christianity resting upon one man’s letter, with the salvation of a billion souls at stake, few things could be as important as considering the possibility that Paul’s epistle might not be trustworthy if he openly contradicted the God he purported to represent.
But if this world-renowned individual pulled off this feat, if he managed to supersede something as well known and revered as the Torah, and if he supplanted it with something as nebulous and mystical as faith, and convinced the world that he had done so without contradicting God, Galatians would have to be among the most brilliantly written theses of all time.
From "Questioning Paul" by Craig Winn
The rest of "Questioning Paul" can be found at this link:
Thank you for this list. Some years back, I came across some similar information, and it confirmed doubts I've had about Shaul/Paul, from childhood, things written by him that have never sat right with me. I would like to point out that Yeshua also gives grace, but conditions must be met, chief among them, forgiving others when they sin against you(Matt 6:14,12:31,18:21 and esp 18:35). I had to be reminded of this this very day, and repent of a long standing vicious grudge. Though Shaul/Paul does mention that we should forgive one another a few times in his epistles, his emphasis is almost always on forgiveness through the sacrifice, full stop.
ReplyDeleteAdded note: Current link at top of page (wayofthefather), returns a 404, page not found at this time.
Mail me @stephenfalexander777@gmail.com. I need friends of Jesus to help me. Slalom.
ReplyDeleteLord Yeshua would never have a Pharisee as an apostle, never. Myself am good friends with author of book Jesus Words Only that exposes Paul, written by a top attorney of So Cal,it is free to read online too
Douglas Nicholson
Am Torah observant of Lord Yeshua, of non rabbinic practices, not of oral traditions,Mark 7:13
thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition (oral tradions,) which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that." I study with Mark Biltz and also Michael Rood top Torah teachers, two things to be saved Must be "Torah observant of Lord Yeshua" faith alone will not save a person, read the book of James, debunks the faith alone argument.
So glad for this site the movement to expose Paul "Apollonius" the noted Greek philospher who wanted to invent a one word religion,they meet on Sundays and are Torah-less.all Sunday religions meet on Sundays not the commanded Sabbath, of Saturday, they are all Torah-less and cite Paul as the reason why. Torah states not to mix it up, keep separate see Numbers 25 and Deuteronomy 7, these concepts are opposed to pro Paul people, rabbinic Jews like Paul because he is a rabbinic Jew of the Pharisees. Lord Yeshua looks to be of the Essene sect, means "doers of Torah" the book of James states be a doer of the Word (Torah) The Essene sect gave us the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Douglas Nicholson
See the site Jesus Words Only, the book is free to read online too, the author is a top attorney and Bible scholar bar none, is Torah observant of Lord Yeshua too. Author is Del Tondo, speaks several languages too, super nice guy, use to have lunch with him often to share any new insights regarding Paul, he answers questions too.
One other thing if you're under attack, some of the chicken scratch pro Paul like to cite 1st Cor 5:5 to invoke attacks against others, read this from Paul,
ReplyDeleteI have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
Rebuke the various doers of evil, Paul is the false apostle of Revelation 2:2, share that fact to Lord Yeshua in prayers and for protection and deliverance and good guidance too.
Douglas Nicholson
This is great information. I have family members who follow the False Apostle Paul (Anti-christ). This information reassures me that my beliefs are true.Thank you